Monday, August 8, 2011

August 2011 Update

I'm now going to be doing monthly updates to inform you readers about why I may not be blogging weekly or if there's any special reviews coming up. I can now say that there's both.

Blogging and Movie Viewing Time:

I haven't been blogging as constantly as I hoped I be because I have another semester of college coming up to where I'm trying to register for classes and such. After I get all that cleared, I should be good to go weekly.

Also I still haven't had a chance to go see Cowboys & Aliens, Crazy Stupid Love, Larry Crowne, or the Change-Up. I did have time to go see Harry Potter, but I'll let you know more about that in the next section. I may just wait until Larry Crowne comes out on DVD and the rest I'll still try and make. So just FYI, I may never review films after I said I would and even if, I may not even be able to blog about it weeks after I've seen it. Just putting that out there. I'll still try my best.

Special Review
Or should I say reviews. Since the Harry Potter movie franchise has finally come to an end, I want to express my full opinions on why I'm a fan of the franchise, what I think of each film and even a special RTL awards among the Harry Potter films only in ranking them from best to worst in each category I've made specifically for this awards special. I will also give reasons why I made the rankings for each category in that certain order. Here's a schedule I've made to show what order each blog of this Harry Potter special will occur:

-Introduction to my full thoughts and inspirations about the franchise.
-My review of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
-My review of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
-My review of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
-My review of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
-My review of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
-My review of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
-My review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
-My review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
-The Harry Potter Fan Made RTL Awards (listed by ranking Best to Worst)

Now even though you would think I would review The Deathly Hallows Part 2 first since I just saw it recently, I would prefer to go in order starting back from when I first saw it as a kid and ended as an adult. I mean, how could I not. I have been a huge fan of the movies and books to where I wouldn't be doing this special if I truly wasn't. I hope you look forward to reading my reviews and rankings of each film. If you're not a Harry Potter fan, I would recommend you wait until the special is over because that's all I'm gonna talk about for the next 10 blogs straight. For those who are a fan as well, I look forward to reading your comments about my thoughts and would love to know yours if you want to express your feelings about the movies/books as well. Well nothing from here on except Harry Potter. Time to get to it.   

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